
The following is a trademark declaration for the website using the trademarks “Factors” and “Factors In”:

Trademark Declaration

  • The trademarks “Factors” and “Factors In” (hereinafter referred to as “the Trademarks”) are used on this website.
  • The owner of the Trademarks is Avijit Das (hereinafter referred to as “the Owner”).
  • The Trademarks are protected by applicable trademark laws and regulations.
  • The use of the Trademarks on this website is authorized by the Owner.
  • No license or right to use the Trademarks is granted to any other party without the express written consent of the Owner.
  • Any unauthorized use of the Trademarks on this website or any other platform is strictly prohibited and may result in legal action.
  • All other trademarks, trade names, or logos used on this website are the property of their respective owners.
  • The presence of the Trademarks on this website does not imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation with the products, services, or content displayed on this website, unless explicitly stated.
  • The Owner reserves the right to modify or revoke this trademark declaration at any time without prior notice.

By accessing and using this website, you acknowledge and agree to comply with the terms of this trademark declaration.